S.E. International Radiation Alert URSAII
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(without probe) Can be used with your existing scintillation or GM probes or purchase new probes.
The URSA II, with a full-featured MCA program, can be used with practically any radiation detector and can extract any data your detector can supply! It has been designed taking into account comments and requests from our current URSA customers.
The URSA-II MCA for PCs is a all-new fully, quantitative Windows™ based URSA-II software package that has been designed for ease of use in a Windows™ environment. Software also includes URSA-II for PPC software to run the URSA-II using a Windows Mobile™ Device (Jornada, iPAQ, TDS Recon, etc.) running WindowsCE™ or Windows Mobile™. The Software can be installed on as many computers as you like, with no restrictions and includes free software updates.
Specific applications include: Bulk sample analysis, air sample analysis, wipe sample analysis, thyroid assay, compliance monitoring, environmental monitoring, nuclear medicine, identification of unknown nuclides, remote monitoring, health physics, homeland defense, portal monitoring, education.
Carrying Case, USB-Serial Adapter, NIM Connector, MCA Software w/ Free Updates, and AC Wall Plug.
S.E. International Part Number URSAII