Honeywell Safety
Honeywell 301C Gas Monitor Controller (Select Options)
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The Honeywell 301C Gas Monitor Controller monitors and controls toxic and combustible gases and oxygen hazards. Designed for installation and operational efficiency, the Honeywell 301C reduces the cost of installation and decreases the overall cost of ownership.
Using an addressable RS-485 Modbus communication protocol, the 301C Controller uses daisy chain wiring, requiring only two (2) pairs of wires to connect to ninety-six (96) transmitters on the three (3) input channels. This simplifies installation and results in lower costs. The Honeywell 301C’s zoning and averaging capabilities reduce operational and maintenance costs significantly.
Zoning and Averaging
The 301C Controller has specialized zoning features that allow for the averaging and comparison of multiple sensor readings. Zoning can help reduce the costs of operation by ensuring that localized, short fluctuations registered at a single transmitter do not activate the relays. For example, a van parked and running in a parking garage may cause a local increase in a nearby transmitter's reading. Instead of activating the fan because of the temporary and local fluctuation, the Honeywell 301c Gas Monitor Controller's zoning can be used to limit relay activation until the zone's average reading exceeds a pre-determined point. This can help reduce the run time of fans, resulting in energy usage savings and the extension of the overall life of the device.
The 301C gas monitor controller has the capacity to manage input from three (3) Modbus channels for up to ninety-six (96) transmitters and up to fifty (50) wireless transmitters which can be associated with up to 126 zones. Transmitters can belong to an unlimited number of zones, providing maximum operational and control flexibility.
Benefits of the Honeywell 301C Gas Monitor Controller:
User-friendly operation
• No maintenance
• Auto quick self-testing and warm-up
• Continued alphanumeric display
Low cost and reliable
• Low installation costs
• Up to 126 zoning groups for energy savings and longer product and relay life
• Event management up to 768 featuring latching alarms with programming abilities
Flexibility in operation
• Modbus compatible with BACnet/IP available
• Interchangeable transmitters with multi gas detection capabilities
• Expandable up to ninety-six (96) transmitters or relay modules and up to fifty (50) Vulcain 301W wireless sensors
• Time delays with programming capabilities
• Integrated time clock for system operations scheduling
Safety measures
• Full array of visual indicators and integrated 65dBA alarm levels
• Fully programmable relays (can be set as fail-safe or not)
Additional premium options
• Heavy-duty industrial housing available
• Datalogging options