Draeger HazMat Simultest Kit
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Designed primarily for the municipal fire service and other emergency responders, this kit quickly identifies and quantifies a wide range of chemical substances in less than 5 minutes using the Draeger Simultest Sets.
The Draeger HazMat Simultest Kit includes three Simultest Sets for measuring 15 different Organic and Inorganic chemicals and/or chemical families. Broad scale measurement and identification is as easy as using Set I, II and III.
Includes: accuro® Pump, Spare Parts Kit (accuro®), Air Current Kit, Simultest Extension Hose accuro®, Simultest Set Opener, Tube Opener, Laminated Instruction Cards, (3) HazMat Simultest Set I, (3) HazMat Simultest Set II, (4) HazMat Simultest Set III and Carrying Case
Draeger Product Number 4056098