Role of PIDs in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring

Role of PIDs in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring

10th Jan 2025

Good indoor air quality affects workers’ health, which indirectly boosts their productivity. It’s especially important in facilities dealing with hazardous substances, where air quality can be a matter of life and death. Clean indoor air should be a priority for operations managers. Fortunately, purifiers and filtration systems can address air quality concerns.

Photoionization devices (PIDs) can “clear the air” in environments where benzene and similar volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exist. PIDs are sensitive devices that help with improving IAQ. Let’s explore the role of PIDs in indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring and how they help to maintain healthy indoor environments.

The Impact of Indoor Air Quality on Workplace Safety

Before we proceed, let’s address how IAQ affects employees. Indoor air quality isn’t visible, but its effects are profound. Poor IAQ can create health issues, such as headaches, respiratory illnesses, fatigue, and even chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Safety managers must identify hazards to IAQ in their facilities and create protocols to comply with OSHA and EPA standards. This can be tricky for businesses in industries like manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical processing, where VOC emissions and exposure are common.

VOCs turn up in industrial processes, cleaning agents, paints, and even office supplies. When they accumulate, they compromise worker health and safety. The challenge is detecting VOCs, and photoionization devices can help. Unlike general-purpose air quality monitors that detect many elements, PIDs are uniquely attuned to VOCs. Using PIDs in your workplace keeps you compliant and maintains a healthy environment. Here’s how they work.

PID Basics

Photoionization is a principle wherein high-energy ultraviolet (UV) light ionizes gas molecules, making them detectable. Think of it as a flashlight that points out invisible VOCs. A UV lamp floods the air with photons. When VOC molecules encounter that energy, they release electrons that create positively charged ions and generate an electric current. The PID measures this current, determining the exact concentration of VOCs in the air. Simple? Maybe not, but those are the PID basics! How does that help you, your employees, and your facility?

How PIDs Improve IAQ Monitoring in Industrial Settings

High Precision for VOC Detection

PIDs detect a wide range of VOCs at low parts-per-million (ppm) or even parts-per-billion (ppb) levels in the air. Unlike traditional detectors limited to identifying specific compounds, PIDs recognize many VOCs simultaneously. This ensures comprehensive VOC monitoring.

Real-Time Monitoring Reduces Response Time

Time is precious in emergency situations. Detecting hazardous levels of VOCs in the air is a must for keeping your facility and team safe. PIDs provide real-time and detailed readings, allowing for immediate mitigating actions. In a dangerous situation—for instance, a leak or other incident—instant feedback may prevent harmful exposure.

Integration With Multi-Gas Monitors

Teamwork keeps people safe. That goes for devices, as well. Partner PIDs with pre-installed and fixed multi-gas monitoring systems for added safety. The surveillance helps to monitor and measure other gases—such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and oxygen—permitting a “big-picture” view of air quality in your facility.

Portability and Ease of Use

One of the handiest things about PIDs is they fit in your hand! Designed with users in mind, PIDs are easy to carry, access, and view. That adds another level of safety since they aren’t burdensome and don’t require excessive setup or dismantling in hazardous environments. Transportation is a breeze, and they’re especially useful in cramped or difficult-to-access environments. Surprise! They’re excellent in large spaces, too, where fixed monitors can’t chart and cover every zone at once.

Advancements in PID technology make maintaining clean indoor air quality easier than ever. VOCs can “run,” but they can’t hide!

What’s the Right PID for Your Industry?

Many industries face different challenges in maintaining good IAQ. Choosing the right photoionization device depends on your needs. Here are a few recommendations:


Factories dealing with paints, adhesives, or petroleum derivatives generate VOC emissions. A PID with a broad detection range is ideal for capturing low-level VOCs across many areas.

Laboratories and Pharmaceuticals

Labs and pharmacies are hotspots for hazardous materials, VOCs included. PIDs provide compound-specific calibration for maximum accuracy.

Warehousing and Logistics

Storing flammable or hazardous goods? PIDs present multi-gas VOC detection, enhancing safety and preventing fires and bad reactions. Portable PIDs are easy to use in large storehouses and storage facilities.

Maintenance and Best Practices for PIDs

Have a PID? Take care of it, and it will take care of you! Maintenance of these devices ensures they provide accurate data over time and last long. Here’s a quick guide for keeping your device in good shape:

Calibrate Regularly

PIDs require periodic calibration to maintain accuracy. Many models come with auto-calibration functionality, while others require manual input. Consult the instructions, retailer, or manufacturer about your device’s calibration options.

Replace UV Lamps

After extended use, a PID’s UV light degrades and requires replacement. Stick to a periodic inspection schedule to keep the device running.

Clean the Sensor Carefully

Dust and other particles eventually accumulate on the sensor and may affect readings. Check the instructions about keeping the device clean to maintain clarity and functionality.

Conduct Routine Bump Tests

What’s a bump test? During this process, you expose the PID’s sensors to a controlled concentration of gas greater than the PID’s alarm set points. Bump tests confirm the sensor’s ability to detect gas accurately. Speak with the device retailer or manufacturer about the safest ways to conduct bump tests.

The Human and Economic Benefits of PIDs

Safety managers understand that indoor air quality should extend beyond basic compliance. It has human and economic implications. Unsafe IAQ leads to absenteeism, decreased morale, and threats to human health. It may also result in litigation, regulatory fines for noncompliance, high insurance premiums, and damage to your brand. PIDs support VOC detection so that you can improve IAQ, create a safer work environment, and protect your employees!

Have more questions about the role of PIDs in indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring? Contact us for a consultation! We’re ready to discuss which PIDs and other devices are best suited for your facility.

Role of PIDs in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring