5 Signs of Radiation Sickness You Should Not Ignore

5 Signs of Radiation Sickness You Should Not Ignore

Posted by William Kimmell on 8th Sep 2022

Many jobs that require working near radioactive materials unintentionally expose workers to dangerous radiation. Employees working in mines, nuclear plants, radiology labs, nuclear weapons facilities, and possibly even airline careers are all at varying levels of risk for radiation exposure.

When radiation levels are high enough and exposure occurs quickly, they can cause Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), otherwise known as radiation sickness. Here are five signs of radiation sickness you should not ignore.


The first round of symptoms indicating radiation exposure typically happens within a few days, and may occur even sooner. Vomiting within an hour of possible radiation exposure can be a sign of coming into contact with very high levels of radiation. Since people vomit for many reasons, this sign is only indicative of ARS when you have reason to suspect recent exposure to radiation.

Other Initial Symptoms

Besides vomiting, ARS symptoms can also include nausea, headaches, and diarrhea. The unfortunate reason behind these symptoms is that penetrative radiation, which is the kind that causes ARS, can damage your internal organs, leading to malfunction. As soon as it is safe to do so, you should see a medical professional.

Skin Damage

People who have received a high dose of radiation poisoning may experience skin damage that can develop anywhere between a few hours and several days after exposure. The skin damage will resemble a bad sunburn, with redness, itchiness, and possibly even blisters. Sometimes the skin damage heals, only to return later.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is another sign of radiation sickness you should not ignore. When radiation damages your skin, it can also damage your hair and hair follicles. Follicles are the openings in the skin that hair grows out of, and they include oil glands and tiny blood vessels that nourish your hair. When these systems become damaged, your hair can fall out in various places.

Severe Symptoms

After the initial symptoms, you may feel normal for a period of time. Then, the long-term symptoms of radiation sickness will appear. If you are seriously ill from radiation sickness, you may experience loss of appetite, exhaustion, seizures, and even comas.

Take Precautions Now

The best way to fight radiation is to prevent it from ever hurting you or your employees. TG Technical Services offers radiation meters that help you keep tabs on gamma and X-ray radiation in the workplace. Our stationary and handheld devices make it possible for you to do your job safely.